Vancouver, Canada

Youth Congress - Canada 2024

Dates: 25th to 27th May, 2024

Youth Congress Canada 2024

Emerging Leaders Converge for Global Cause:
The Youth Congress Canada brought together emerging leaders from around the world, fostering discussions on critical topics such as leadership, diplomacy, and drug awareness. With delegates from over 35 countries, the event highlighted the importance of global collaboration and the role of youth in shaping the future.
Leadership and Diplomacy Sessions:

The Congress featured several sessions dedicated to leadership and diplomacy, emphasizing the following key points:

  • Effective Leadership: Exploring the traits and skills necessary for effective leadership in a global context.
  • Diplomatic Skills: Understanding the art of diplomacy and its significance in resolving international conflicts.
  • Youth Engagement: Encouraging young leaders to engage in diplomatic efforts and contribute to global peace and stability.
  • Case Studies: Analyzing historical and contemporary examples of successful diplomacy and leadership.
Drugs Awareness Session:

A critical component of the Congress was the drugs awareness session, which addressed the growing concern of substance abuse among youth. Key highlights included:

  • Educational Outreach: Providing information on the dangers of drug use and the impact on individuals and communities.
  • Prevention Strategies: Discussing effective methods for preventing drug abuse, including community programs and education campaigns.
  • Support Systems: Highlighting the importance of support systems for individuals struggling with addiction.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Emphasizing the role of international cooperation in combating the global drug problem.
Global Participation and Unity:

The Youth Congress Canada saw active participation from delegates representing more than 35 countries. This diverse representation facilitated rich discussions and exchange of ideas, fostering a sense of global unity and shared responsibility. The delegates brought unique perspectives from their respective countries, contributing to a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in leadership, diplomacy, and drug awareness.

Commitment to Leadership, Peace, and Human Rights:

The Youth Congress Canada successfully provided a platform for young leaders to connect, learn, and collaborate. The discussions on leadership and diplomacy equipped delegates with the knowledge and skills to navigate complex global issues, while the drugs awareness session underscored the urgent need for concerted efforts to address substance abuse. The participation of delegates from over 35 countries underscored the importance of global collaboration in tackling these challenges. The Congress concluded with a renewed commitment to promote leadership, peace, and human rights education.


University of British Columbia, Canada

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